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Sarah Burton

Sarah Burton

Événement passé
Jeudi le 17 Mai 2012
21 H 00 | Gratuit

Lieu : Le Bal du Lézard

Born in Ottawa, Sarah has lived in several Canadian cities through her life, but is currently calling Toronto home. Her career has seen her play NXNE, Canadian Music Week, Winterfolk, We Are Many Festival, Brandon Folk Festival, the North Country Fair and BC’s Music on the Mountain, in addition to the many live music venues across the country. She’s enjoyed radio play across Canada including the CBC and into the US, being heard in Los Angeles and Las Vegas. Classically trained on the piano at the Royal Conservatory of Music, she turned to rock when she was introduced to the sounds of Tori Amos by a piano teacher, and discovered her fathers old Spanish guitar, kicking off the songwriting history of the inimitable Sarah Burton.

Mayflower is a powerful, well received collection of folk-rock music that forays into country and pop rhythms. Acoustic, steel and electric guitars make their mark on the songs and themes of travel, luck and love affairs are dispersed amid the collection, ranging from edgy and independent, to vulnerable and romantic. Accompanying the Mayflower release is a video for How Good You Are, thanks to a grant from Videofact, released in February 2011. A second video for the album was released in February 2012, for the song Gravity.


Source :

Liens :

Artistes : Sarah Burton,

Catégories : Spectacle | Musique | Concert | Folk

Partager sur :

Lieu : Le Bal du Lézard
Adresse : 1049, 3e Avenue Québec, Limoilou, QC, G1L 2X3
Ville : Québec (La Cité-Limoilou)

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